There are no easy answers in the startup game.  There’s no immediate resolution or obvious solution.  There’s no single idea that, when it dawns on you, will guarantee your victory.  Capitalism is so efficient, obvious opportunities are exploited immediately.  It will take years of blood, sweat, and tears to win.  There’s no way around this.  The only thing that’s going to change the world is you.  It’s you getting the prototype ready at 4 A.M., four hours before a big demo.  It’s you schlepping it across town to meet with customers and get feedback on your latest release.  It’s you flying across the country to make that first big sale.  It all comes down to you.  But this is a good thing, because all of the trials and tribulations you will go through are barriers to entry for prospective competitors.  Starting businesses is a tough racket.  It’s about making your own luck by putting in the long hours and moving forward one step at a time.  Don’t look for a silver bullet because it doesn’t exist.  There are only lead bullets — and it takes a lot of them.

Matt Sand

Author Matt Sand

Passionate about making a difference through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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